8 Reasons why Candidates Aren’t Applying for Your Job Offer

The hiring process is something your HR team must take their time to plan. There’s plenty of work behind an interview and the more prepared you are, the more qualified candidates you’ll get. The trick is to gather all the information you know about the job offer and develop a profile of your ideal employee. This will help you produce efficient questions during the interview and get the data you need to choose an adequate collaborator.  

There’re several issues we must discuss that might affect the efficiency of your recruitment process. In our journey as a marketing agency, we found out that several of our clients struggle with this matter, and we decided to do some research to help them out. So, today I would like to share some of the things that job seekers find annoying about the hiring process—In hopes of helping you perfect your overall recruitment experience.  

These are why Your Job Offer Isn’t Working

  1. Vague Salary Details:  While you may negotiate these details, it’s important to provide this info upfront. 
  1. Long Hiring Process: If your workflow takes longer than the average process, try and communicate with job seekers regularly so that they know what is going on and don’t feel excluded. 
  1. Lack of Job Interview Preparation: The job interview is a make-or-break moment for job seekers. They take it seriously and so should you. Review applications and resumes.  
  1. Switching up the role: this is one of my absolute favorites. Making a candidate accept the job offer and then making them do something that wasn’t in their job descriptions, for example. Remember that your word is your bond. Ensure that if you commit to something, you stick to it. 
  1. You don’t allow one-click job applications: apply here, now click here, then press here for details, etc. This type of application process is overwhelming for your candidates, and they might get lost in the process., This means you’ll probably end up receiving incomplete information or no information whatsoever. Try letting them submit job requests with a single click.  
  1. You uploaded your job application on a single platform: in the digital era, candidates expect your job offer to appear in more than just one talent acquisition app. Have you tried social media yet? LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networks for job offers.  
  1. You don’t send confirmation emails:  lack of communication is stressful enough in any circumstance. A single email confirming that their application has been received is sufficient to avoid keeping a candidate in the dark.  
  1. Your career site doesn’t work properly on mobile: if the site where you posted the job opening is not optimized for mobile devices prepare to be ignored. This feature allows all internauts to have a better user experience while navigating the site; without having to zoom in or trying to find out where the information is. Make sure that your site is optimized.  

There you have it! Hope these quick tips help you perfect your hiring process and get you qualified candidates.  

Please share with us in the comments your biggest challenges with your recruiting process. 👇  

PS. If you’re struggling in your advertising efforts, our marketing agency can help you. Click here to contact us.  

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MVS Marketing and Consulting Agency helps schools increase student enrollment and recruit staff and teachers. We work with all schools, big and small, and will create a plan that fits your needs and budget.

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