Reach Every
Family Effortlessly and Affordably

Did you know that Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) is a quick and affordable way to reach thousands of households in your neighborhood?

Why Choose Direct Mail?

Superior Effectiveness

Direct Mail is a great alternative to digital marketing channels. A physical postcard stands out, ensuring your school makes a memorable impression on parents.

Cost-Effective Solution

Forget about expensive mailing lists. With Direct Mail, you only pay for printing and postage, making it a budget-friendly option that offers extensive reach without breaking the bank.

Targeted Reach

Select specific postal routes that align with your school’s geographic focus. Direct Mail helps you target areas with high potential for student enrollment, ensuring your message reaches the right audience.

Our Simple 3-Step Process

Step 1: Tell Us About Your School

Complete a form to share your school's unique story and programs.

Step 2: We Handle the Rest

Our team of experts takes care of everything – from professional graphic design and copywriting to all the logistics like postage, processing, and delivery.

Step 3: Delivery to Every Door

We ensure your product reaches every door in your chosen postal routes.

Reach Every Family Effortlessly and Affordably

Harness the power of Direct Mail to elevate your school’s presence in the community. Experience a seamless, impactful marketing strategy that drives results and boosts enrollment.