You’re concerned of becoming an entrepreneur because...
- You’re overwhelmed with the responsibilities of a new entrepreneur.
- You’re unable to set personal and business goals.
- You’re concerned about failing.
- You devalue yourself constantly.
$497 | 100% FREE
Get the ultimate steps towards financial freedom and personal wellness with the help of our special guest, Devin D’jwan. He’s a mentor, certified fitness coach supervisor, interviewer, and manager.
Every great entrepreneur needs to learn the importance of discipline and self-growth to become the greatest version of themselves.
Many small businesses and gig workers are still in a difficult situation due to the pandemic. Learn the basic tactics you can implement to be prepared whenever there’s a setback.
Más Vale Saber es una agencia de marketing y consultoría que tiene como objetivo educar, guiar y apoyar a las personas y las empresas en el marketing, las ventas y las operaciones para ayudarles a alcanzar su máximo potencial.
Segunda Mano Magazine is our sister company and was founded in 1999 to connects businesses with the latino community in Phoenix, Arizona through print advertising.
Aaron Nava is a publicist and self-published author with 5 years of experience in marketing. He’s the founder of his personal blog “Write-In”, and has his own YouTube Channel for readers and writers.
Devin D’jwan has 4 years carrying the titles of mentor, certification supervisor, interviewer and manager. Helping trainers develop their skill set, styles, and approach to how they conduct their business with clients.
Cristofer Pereyra
Tepeyac Leadership Initiative.
To becoming a successful and smart-independent professional.
Get accurate directions towards financial freedom. Understand how to set clear and realistic goals that will give you a sense of accomplishment.